10 Study Skills for Exam Success

10 Study Skills for Exam Success

10 Study Skills for Exam Success

01 Set Your Goal

Read the course overview to understand what the course will cover and how it will be scored.

02 Manage your time

Time management skills can help you take control of your study workloadd, achieve more and stress out less.

03 Identify your learning style

Take a learning style assessment test and find out if you are a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner.

04 Develop a study plan

Plan a study schedule that allows you to stay in control of the academic workload.

05 Keep up with reading

Particular in college or university, staying up-to-date in terms of your reading is critical to your success.

06 Develop effective note-taking technique

Good note-taking strategies can help you make the most of the time spent reading from textbooks and attending classes.

07. Attend classes regularly

Be an active learner. Attend lectures regularly and participate whenever possible.

08. Work with Concentration

If you learn how to work with concentration, you will achieve more than 95% of the population.

09 Surround yourself with learning

Create a 24-hour learning environment by putting up review chart/points on mirrors, doors or bedside table.

10. Use all you intelligence

It explains the number of different ways in which a human can have intelligence and how it can help us live, work and study more efficiently.