Killer Social Media Content Ideas | Jolifacts | Social Media Facts

Killer Social Media Content Ideas

Killer Social Media Content Ideas

  • Share your story (your passion)
  • Talk about your struggles and how you overcome them (your failures and wins)
  • Tell a funny story about something connected to your business
  • Share behind the scenes photos or video
  • Make videos on business events
  • Explain why you decided to buy a product or join a business
  • Talk about your product and how they help people.
  • Share someone else's inspiring story
  • Share testimonials from your customers
  • Share a funny quote about your niche
  • Share an inspirational quote and tell your audience what you think about that specific quote or how it helped you through a situation
  • Share a quote in graphics ask your audience what they think about it
  • Share your favorite quote in graphics or text and ask your audience to share their favorite quote
  • Ask your audience what their biggest struggle in business is?
  • Ask them what should you post next
  • Ask which topic should you cover in a live video
  • Ask questions related to your business or industry
  • Ask for recommendations (books, courses or something related to your business)
  • Motivational Monday (motivate your audience) - #MotivationMonday
  • Tips Tuesday (related to your niche) - #Tipstuesday
  • Create wisdom Wednesday post - #Wisdomwednesday
  • Throwback Thursday (Photos of a trip or your previous results) - #throwbackthursday
  • Freebie Friday (give a Freebie) - #FreebieFriday
  • Saturday Special (share something special) - #Saturdayspecial
  • Sunday Funday (share what you did that day) - #SundayFunday
  • Give away a coupon codes
  • Talk about a product that's on sale
  • Sell your products or services
  • Promote your new products
  • Talk about the benefits of the product and how it helped you
  • Promote "One Day only" Flash sale
  • Host a webinar
  • Make a live video (profile, page...)
  • Host a Giveaway (on a live video)
  • Create a video with a couple of tips (from your blog) then tell your audience they can find more tips on your blog post (share a link)
  • Make an interview with a leader in your company