10 Truths you need to know for Inner-Peace & Happiness | Jolifacts

10 Truths you need to know for Inner-Peace & Happiness

10 Truths you need to know for Inner-Peace & Happiness

1. It's impossible for anyone else to define you, you're the only one who gets to say who you are

2. You were born with everything you need, you're not missing anything

3. Perfection is a man-made illusion, we're all beautifully imperfect

4. You are not your thoughts, you are the calm awareness behind the noise in your mind

5. Your beliefs can be modified to lift you up, you are fully in control of your happiness

6. The past and future don't exist anywhere except in your mind. Now is the only real moment.

7. Your calling in life is to fully express who you already are, unapologetically shine your light.

8. Challenge are gifts for your growth and can unlock your full potential

9. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself, to be free.

10. Surrender is the gateway into sustainable inner peace. Let go.