24 Life Lessons in 24 Years

24 Life Lessons in 24 Years

24 Life Lessons in 24 Years

1. You cannot let your emotions dictate what you do or don't do that day.

2. Change is always possible - any time at any moment.

3. Self-love and compassion are essential.

4. Finding that balance between tough love and compassion is really difficult, but necessary.

5. Your mindset is also really important.

6. Stop comparing yourself to others. Seriously.

7. Having an attitude of gratitude is a total game changer.

8. We attract what we believe and we have to believe in ourselves.

9. Set boundaries for yourself and keep them.

10. You cannot control how other people feel about you or their reactions toward you.

11. Share your story with others, even if it's scary to.

12. You cannot change other people and they cannot change you.

13. Be mindful of who you take advice from.

14. Learn to love and embrace the rejections, because they're coming for you.

15. Giving yourself time to grow is one of the kindest things you can do.

16. Empowered women empower other women.

17. Sometimes, you'll fall off course and it happens.

18. Your intuition knows the way and what you should do next.

19. Apply what you learn.

20. There is no one size fits all.

21. It doesn't matter if it's already been done before, because it hasn't been done by you.

22. Money mindset is real and it runs deep like the ocean.

23. Remember to enjoy your life and have fun!

24. Love the people that support you like they're magical unicorns. Because they are.