30 Rules to Simplify your Life | Jolifacts

30 Rules to Simplify your Life

30 Rules to Simplify your Life

1. Prioritize

2. Make time for mental health

3. Get a planner

4. Daily 10-min de-clutter

5. No social media 1 hour before bed & after bed

6. One garbage bag of junk

7. Give yourself a day

8. Clear your work space when finished

9. Spend more time in Nature

10. Create a morning routine

11. Properly unwind before bed

12. Read motivating material

13. A little physical activity each day

14. Meditate

15. Do your least favorite tasks first

16. Watch less TV

17. Make a budget & pay off debt

18. Downsize or reduce

19. Say no more often

20. Eliminate toxic people from your life

21. Take a timeout

22. Make home sanctuary

23. Gather in smaller groups

24. Pick up a hobby

25. Value your time and others

26. Reduce how much news your consume

27. Reduce hypotheticals

28. Drive slower or leave earlier

29. Don't invest in your expectations

30. Ask for help