7 Steps to Effective Change

7 Steps to Effective Change

7 Steps to Effective Change

Take things one step at a time

Don't wear yourself out worrying about tomorrow or next week. Strive to be fully present in each moment. Ask yourself, "Where are my feet right now? What am i doing in this moment?" Have faith that you will learn as you go, as to what your best indicated next step should be.

Start Now

Event if it's only for 5 minutes, develop the habit of making small changes now. Putting things off until tomorrow only strengthens the habits of choosing comfort over challenge and growth.

Don't wait for a crisis

An emergency can get your adrenalin going and prompt short-term promises of change. However these tend not to be long-lasting. A healthier alternative is to remember your most important reasons for change, list manageable action steps and develop a strong support system.

Don't change too much at once

Pace yourself, Rome was not built in day. Trying to modify many areas of your life at the same time can bring about anxiety and confusion. First focus your energy on the area that's most important to you and in a month or year tackle your next change.

Focus on willingness

Rather than waiting to take action until you want to make a change, be willing to take effective action. Most people feel a little wary about change, so don't let your feelings have the last word. Would the change be in line with your personal values? Let the answer be your guide.

It is never too late to change

The possibility of change is bolstered by the belief that it is possible. Start with this premise, remind yourself of the times you're triumphed over challenges in the past and ask for the help you need.

You are only responsible for yourself

Other people's behavior is their business. Focus on what you can change, which is yourself. As you move forward with your life and take value-directed steps, you will attract like-minded people