Things to do at home when bored - Instead of scrolling | jolifacts

Things to do at home when bored - Instead of scrolling

Things to do at home when bored - Instead of scrolling

1. Watch your favorite childhood movie

2. Go through the App Store and look for cook apps

3. Back up your laptop and phone

4. Try fun nail art!

5. Write a letter to your future self

6. Make a time capsule

7. Give yourself a spa day

8. Write or journal (here are a couple of prompts to try)

9. Declutter photos on your phone and computer

10. Make a vision board

11. Make a vision board

12. Update your passwords

13. Learn a new language on Duolingo

14. Choose pictures you want to print and print them

15. Go through old family photo albums

16. Start a manifestation journal

17. Make a scrapbook journal with souvenirs from trips

18. Make a bucket list

19. Watch a documentary about a topic you're curious about

20. Upcycle old clothes in your closet

21. Read a book that's been sitting on your shelf for a while

22. Create mood playlists

23. Test old pens and throw away the dry ones

24. Rearrange the furniture in your room/house

25. Declutter your nail polish bottles

26. Take personality tests

27. Unsubscribe from mailing lists

28. Delete old emails

29. Make a birthday wish list

30. Update your resume or portfolio